Category Archives: Chicago


Discover Chicago—How to Start University off Right

DePaul University (the fine institution that pays my salary, but which neither sponsors nor endorses any of the content here on the blog) requires it’s incoming first-year students to take one of two courses: Discover Chicago—an intensive immersion program that uses the city and surrounding area as the classroom—or Explore Chicago—a more traditional classroom experience focused on Chicago.

My colleague teaches a Discover Chicago course called “Crime, Chaos, Culture, and Cosmos,” looking at various aspects of life and ideas of the afterlife in Chicagoland. When he asked if I would help him with his class for the day by driving a van full of students, I was initially hesitant, but when he told me where we’d be going (and that lunch would be provided), I agreed. Our itinerary would take us to Argonne National Laboratory, the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, the Lithuanian World Center, historic St. James on the Sag, the Zoroastrian Association of Chicago, and the Chicago PortageContinue reading


CTA Trip Report Part 2—the Onboard Experience

In Part 1 I covered the ticketing and departure experience, now it’s time to talk about the onboard experience. We rejoin our story as I get ready to board for my trip south. Boarding is like the old Southwest model of free-for-all scramble onboard. But at least Southwest made sure that everyone getting off was able to do so before other passengers started getting on. Continue reading


O’Hare Run on the Runway—September 29

Calling all runners and avgeeks! The City of Chicago, Chicago Department of Aviation, and United Airlines are once again teaming up for the O’Hare Run on the Runway. This year’s event will take place on September 29, from 6:00am to 12:30pm with the races beginning at 8:00am. This was an awesome event last year and I will definitely be back again this year. The day includes an early morning race and a community day filled with activities and most importantly access to the runway to take pictures. The proceeds benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, so in addition to being a fun day, it supports a very worth cause. Continue reading

Independent Spirits Overview

Independent Spirits—A Welcome Addition to Edgewater

Good wine and spirits are hard to find in Edgewater, so I was excited to see a sign go up for a new boutique wine shop on north Broadway in the early spring. Scott Crestodina’s store, Independent Spirits, opened in late July after a full remodeling of the space at 5947-49 N. Broadway. Last weekend I had a chance to pop into the shop for a bit, do some exploring, and chat with Scott a bit about what Independent Spirits is all about and where they’re headed. Continue reading